1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9


By car: Take the A2 Mediterranian highway, exit Cosenza Nord, and follow the directions for Università - Paola.


By train: The railway station of Castiglione Cosentino, connected directly
to the railway junctions of Paola (Tyrrhenian railway line) and Sibari (Ionian railway line) is located about 3 Km. From the University. Near the station there is a bus stop of the Autolinee Consortium that connects Cosenza with the University Campus.

It is possible to have updated informations on trains, times and ticket costs on the website www.trenitalia.com 

By air: The Lamezia Terme airport is the nearest airport and it is connected to the city of Cosenza by bus service. Detailed information to reach Cosenza-Autostazione can be obtained by visiting the Airport's website: www.sacal.it.

Institute on Membrane Technology CNR-ITM
Via Pietro Bucci cubo 17/C
87036 Rende (CS)   Phone: +39 0984 492027
E-mail: a.figoli@itm.cnr.it  alberto.figoli@cnr.it 

Fiscal Code 80054330586  -  VAT Number 02118311006 
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