Biographical Note
Alfredo Cassano has a degree cum laude in Biology from the University of Naples (Italy). He is senior researcher scientist of the Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (ITM-CNR) since 2000.
He has a long experience in the field of membrane science and technology with research expertise including pressure-driven membrane processes, membrane contactors and integrated membrane operations mainly applied to wastewater treatments and agro-food productions.
He is involved as scientific responsible or main investigator in different national projects with both Italian Ministry of Education, University & Research and private companies and international projects funded by EU. He has attended many national and international conferences on membranes with both oral and poster presentations. He has also presented, as invited speaker, lectures at courses on membrane operations.
Alfredo Cassano is member of Editorial board of scientific Journals and co-author of 5 books, more than 70 peer-review scientific papers published in international journals and more than 20 book chapters. He is also co-author of two national patents on membrane science and technology.
Research Activity
Main Research projects
- Craft Project ENV4-ct98-0975 - "New Technique for the separation of tannins from vegetable tannin baths" - (1998-2000) – Main investigator
- INNOWA (project funded by European Commission in the Asia Pro Eco Programme) 2005-2006
- Italian coordinator of the Project “Antioxidant activity control in fruit juices by membrane processes” within the Executive Protocol of the 11th Joint Commission on S&T Co-operation between the Italian Republic and the People’s Republic of China (2002-2006)
- Italian coordinator of the Joint Project “Upgrading fruits and vegetables juice quality and enhancing by-products utilization through integrated membrane processes” within the Agreement between National Research Council (CNR) and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS) 2008-2010
- Italian coordinator of the Joint Project “Upgrading fruits and vegetable juice quality and enhancing by-products utilization through integrated membrane processes” within the Agreement between National Research Council (CNR) and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS) 2011-2013
- Scientific responsible of different bilateral agreements between ITM and industrial companies
- Scientific responsible for ITM of the national Project PON_02239 MATRECO “Materiali avanzati per Trasporti Ecosostenibili” supported by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research)
Work selected by CNR for CNR Highlights (Rome) for the years 2011 and 2012:
Figoli, A. Cassano, A. Criscuoli, M. S. I. Mozumder, M. T. Uddin, M. A. Islam, E. Drioli, Influence of operating parameters on the arsenic removal by nanofiltration, Water Research, 44(1) (2010) 97-104
Select Publications
- Cassano, E. Drioli, R. Molinari, Recovery and reuse of chemicals in unhairing, degreasing and chromium tanning by membranes, Desalination, 113 (2-3) (1997) 251-261
- Cassano, R. Molinari, M. Romano, E. Drioli, Treatment of aqueous effluents of the leather industry by membrane processes. A review, Journal of Membrane Science, 181 (1) (2001) 111-126
- Cassano, J. Adzet, R. Molinari, M.G. Buonomenna, J. Roig, E. Drioli, Membrane treatment by nanofiltration of exhausted tannin liquors of the leather industry, Water Research, 37 (10) (2003) 2426-2434
- Cassano, L. Della Pietra, E. Drioli, Integrated membrane process for the recovery of chromium salts from tannery effluent, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46(21) (2007) 6825-6830
- Cassano, E. Drioli, G. Galaverna, R. Marchelli, G. Di Silvestro, P. Cagnasso, Clarification and concentration of citrus and carrot juices by integrated membrane processes, Journal of Food Engineering, 57 (2) (2003) 153-163
- Jiao, A. Cassano, E. Drioli, Recent advances on membrane processes for the concentration of fruit juices: a review, Journal of Food Engineering, 63 (3) (2004) 303-324
- Cassano, B. Jiao, E. Drioli, Production of concentrated kiwifruit juice by integrated membrane processes, Food Research International, 37 (2) (2004) 139-148
- Galaverna, G. Di Silvestro, A. Cassano, S. Sforza, A. Dossena, E. Drioli, R. Marchelli, A new integrated membrane process for the production of concentrated blood orange juice: effect on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, Food Chemistry, 106(3) (2008) 1021-1030
- Cassano, A. Mecchia, E. Drioli, Analyses of hydrodynamic resistances and operating parameters in the ultrafiltration of grape must, Journal of Food Engineering, 89(2) (2008) 171-178
- Conidi, A. Cassano, F. Caiazzo, E. Drioli, Separation and purification of phenolic compounds from pomegranate juice by ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes, Journal of Food Engineering, 195 (2017) 1-13
- Quist-Jensen, F. Macedonio, C. Conidi, A. Cassano, S. Aljlil, O.A. Alharbi, E. Drioli, Direct contact membrane distillation for the concentration of clarified orange juice, Journal of Food Engineering, 187 (2016) 37-43
- Cassano, G. De Luca, C. Conidi, E. Drioli, Effect of polyphenols-membrane interactions on the performance of membrane-based processes. A review, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 351 (2017) 45-75
- Gabriele, T. Cerchiara, G. Salerno, G. Chidichimo, M.V. Vetere, C. Alampi, M.C. Gallucci, C. Conidi, A. Cassano, A New Physical-Chemical Process for the Efficient Production of Cellulose Fibers from Spanish broom (Spartium junceum L.), Bioresource Technology, 101(2) (2010) 724-729
- Figoli, A. Cassano, A. Criscuoli, M. S. I. Mozumder, M. T. Uddin, M. A. Islam, E. Drioli, Influence of operating parameters on the arsenic removal by nanofiltration, Water Research, 44(1) (2010) 97-104
- Cassano, F. Destani, C. Conidi, Remediation of spent alkaline solutions in the production of cellulose fibers from Spanish broom by membrane operations, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 10 (2016) 48-55
- Conidi, F. Macedonio, P. Argurio, A. Cassano, E. Drioli, Performance of reverse osmosis membranes in the treatment of flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewaters, Environments 5(6) (2018) article number 71
- Garcia-Castello, A. Cassano, A. Criscuoli, C. Conidi, E. Drioli, Recovery and concentration of polyphenols from olive mill wastewaters by integrated membrane system, Water Research, 44 (13) (2010) 3883-3892.
- Cassano, C. Conidi, E. Drioli, Comparison of the performance of UF membranes in olive mill wastewaters treatment, Water Research, 45(10) (2011) 3197-3204
- Conidi, A. Cassano, E. Drioli, Recovery of phenolic compounds from orange press liquor by nanofiltration, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90(C4) (2012) 867-874
- Cassano, C. Conidi, L. Giorno, E. Drioli, Fractionation of olive mill wastewaters by membrane separation techniques, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 248-249 (2013) 185-193
- Destani, A. Cassano, A. Fazio, J.P. Vincken, B. Gabriele, Recovery and concentration of phenolic compounds in blood orange juice by membrane operations, Journal of Food Engineering, 117(3) (2013) 263-271
- Conidi, A. Cassano, E. Garcia-Castello, Valorization of artichoke wastewaters by integrated membrane process, Water Research, 48 (2014) 363-374
- Conidi, R. Mazzei, A. Cassano, L. Giorno, Integrated membrane system for the production of phytotherapics from olive mill wastewaters, Journal of Membrane Science, 454 (2014) 322-329
- Cassano, C. Conidi, R. Ruby Figueroa, R. Castro Muñoz, A two-step nanofiltration process for the production of phenolic-rich fractions from artichoke aqueous extracts, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(4) (2015) 8968-8987
- Bazzarelli, E. Piacentini, T. Poerio, R. Mazzei, A. Cassano, L. Giorno, Advances in membrane operations for water purification and biophenols recovery/valorization from OMWWs, Journal of Membrane Science, 497 (2016) 402-409