Scope & Contents


Membrane contactors represent an emerging technology that can lead to significant innovation in processes and products, thus offering new opportunities in designing, rationalizing, and optimizing innovative productions. Among the different operations, membrane distillation (MD) and related technologies represent a powerful tool to improve current production processes with fundamental benefits in terms of process efficiency and product quality.


This Event continues the traditional MD workshops founded and organized by Prof. Enrico Drioli (Institute on Membrane Technology – National Research Council of Italy (CNR- ITM)). A Session will be dedicated to him remembering his visionary and significant contribution to Membrane Contactors, Water Treatment, Desalination and Process Intensification. 


Following the first Workshop on “Membrane Distillation” held in Rome in May 1986 (Chairman Prof. Enrico Drioli, CNR-ITM), the International Workshop on Membrane Distillation and Related Technologies held on 9-12 October 2011,  the 2nd International Workshop on Membrane Distillation and Innovating Membrane Operations in Desalination and Water Reuse held on July 1 - 4, 2015 and the 3rd International Workshop on Membrane Distillation and Innovating Membrane Operations in Desalination and Water Reuse, the 4st International Workshop on Membrane Distillation and Innovating Membrane Operations in Desalination and Water Reuse will be held on June 4 - 6, 2025 in Cetraro (CS), Italy, organized (as the previous ones) by the Institute on Membrane Technology – National Research Council of Italy (CNR- ITM).


All relevant membrane contactors operations and their relevant aspects (from new membranes synthesis to modelling of the transport mechanisms, combined with alternative energy sources and applications) will be discussed.


The Workshop's purpose is to share the latest research works and technological advances in the field and its application areas. A compelling program featuring an interesting line-up of international speakers presenting in-depth information about the latest technologies and products will characterize the event. The event will represent also an excellent opportunity for networking, collaborations and partnerships among scientist coming from different areas of expertise.


On June 5th, participants will have also the opportunity to attend the joint session between the sister project Melodizer and Measured, funded  by the European Union under the same call “HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-14: Membranes for gas separation – membrane distillation”.


Oral presentations at the Workshop are by invitation only from the Committee.


A Poster session with contributions presented by researchers and students to illustrate leading-edge research to an international audience will be available at the conference site. Prizes will be assigned for the best poster presentations given by early career researchers and students.

4th International Workshop on
Membrane Distillation and Innovating Membrane
Operations in Desalination and Water Reuse

Honorary Chairperson


    Organized by: 





Organizing Committee
ITM personnel

Secretariat and Accountant
ITM staff


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